Nutrition Response Testing
Designed Clinical Nutrition
What is it? How does it work? Will it help me?
If you are like many other people who come to us for help, then most likely:
- You may have one or more health conditions that won’t go away.
- You have visited doctors, or even alternative practitioners, but the results weren’t what you hoped or expected.
- Health conditions are significantly affecting your life. Perhaps this also affects your career, family, and/or personal finances.
- You realize that these conditions are probably not going to get better unless the real source of the problem is found and corrected
Does the above describe your situation? Then read on…
Your chances of recovery have never been higher!
What is Nutrition Response Testing?
Nutrition Response Testing is a non-invasive system of analyzing your body to determine the underlying causes of ill or non-optimum health. Our clinically proven system may be quite different from any other healing practice that you may have experienced.
Nutrition Response Testing is a system that uses your body’s own reflexes to determine which organs are under stress and the exact nutritional deficiencies that may be the cause.
On your first visit, we will do a full body scan using Nutrition Response Testing to properly assess each of your reflexes. In addition, a computerized Heart Rate Variability Monitor Test will be performed.

A drop in your arm indicates underlying stress or dysfunction in that area which can be affecting your health.
We will do the analysis by contacting your extended arm with one hand, and contact the specific reflex area with the other hand. If the tested reflex is stressed, your nervous system will respond by reducing energy to the extended arm (which will weaken and cause it to drop). A drop in your arm indicates underlying stress or dysfunction in that area which can be affecting your health. Once the underlying stress is corrected, this weak muscle response will no longer occur.
Since we directly use your body for analysis (versus doing lab tests), it is faster and tends to be just as (if not more) accurate. There are also no huge expensive machines, no drugs, surgery, nasty needles or laboratory fees to cover.
Then an individual, specific program of nutritional supplementation, along with diet and lifestyle modification (Designed Clinical Nutrition), is developed for you to achieve the best results possible. Following your consultation, you will be given the results in a simple, concise way that you can fully understand.
This procedure will assist you in attaining the maximum possible health benefits and finally get the real underlying health issues handled!
What is Designed Clinical Nutrition?
It is defined as:
Designed: Especially prepared for you, based on a specific plan.
Clinical: Pertaining to the results experienced in clinical use on a multitude of patients over many years.
Nutrition: Real food, as designed by Nature, to enable the body to repair itself and become healthier.
After you receive your analysis, you will get a specifically designed nutrition program, based on the information your body provides.
Most programs include dietary suggestions (as well as whole food supplements) to aid your body in healing itself. Concentrated whole food supplements are used. These have been prepared by a unique process that preserves all of the active enzymes and vital components.
Designed Clinical Nutrition Frequently Asked Questions
(Click on a question below to reveal the answer.)
How do I know which supplements are right for me?
A good example is carrots. Carrots are rich in vitamin A complex. A “complex” is something made up of different parts that work together. Synthetic vitamins do not contain the whole complex (as found in Nature).
If testing indicated a vitamin A deficiency, we would look for a whole food high in vitamin A complex (and carrots would be a likely source). A supplement rich in this complex would then be included in your program. We pride ourselves on only using the highest quality whole food supplements available.
Whole food supplements are entirely derived from specific whole foods, organically grown and prepared in such a way that preserves their vital enzymes and vitamins; making them the optimum vitamin-mineral products.
Now in incredibly concentrated form, your body can get complete nutrition from this small tablet! By restoring the nutrition on which your body was founded, it is possible to enable your body to heal itself … just as Nature intended.
A few factors typical of the “food” commercially available in all grocery stores and restaurants:
- Microwaving
- Genetic engineering
- Food coloring
- Synthetic additives
- Flash Freezing
- Preservatives
- Hormones and antibiotics (found in meat, chicken, etc.)
- Produce grown in soil that has been robbed of its nutrients
- Harmful chemicals and metals (such as PCB’s and mercury in some fish)
If any of these are involved in the creation or processing of your food, then what you are eating is really just “disguised” as food.
Not only does this “food” have insufficient nutritional value, it may also contain toxins that work against your body and your health.
In contrast, whole foods that have not been altered or contaminated contain genuine replacement parts as part of Nature’s design.
Current food conditions make it next to impossible to get all of the nutritional components your body requires to heal and/ or maintain resiliency.
How long will it take for me to start feeling healthy again?
Do I have to stay on a Designed Clinical Nutrition regimen forever?
Through the course of your program additional layers will show up. For example, if you have a long-term health problem, you may find that your body may (or may not), want to address this first. Your body will dictate its priority each time you are tested.
When your priority problem is handled with correct nutrients, your next test may reveal another major issue (which may have been long hidden and unhandled).
As this happens, we will adjust your program. Our goal is to have you on as few supplements as possible.
Good dietary habits will always be encouraged. If you continue poor habits, this will perpetuate ill health and inhibit your body’s natural ability to heal itself.
As you feel better and your health improves, you will likely find yourself wanting to maintain a well-balanced and healthy diet as your normal routine.
How do I get a Designed Clinical Nutrition program?
The elements in your personal Designed Clinical Nutrition program are nutrients that your body is not currently receiving and/or assimilating.
So, make an appointment now for a Nutrition Response Testing Evaluation. Our staff will be happy to answer any questions that you may have, as well as assist you in making a mutually convenient appointment for yourself and anyone else that you feel might benefit from this unique, individualized approach to many health problems. Call (845) 354-2100 today!